Today, Peter Griffiths provided a superb photograph of the 1918 wedding party of Robert & Lizzie Rudd née Uridge. Amongst the party is 15 Uridges.
Furthermore, Peter has provided an annotated view showing all the people he has been able to identify.
Peter writes:
There are a few gaps, but I suppose some of these could be from the Rudd side of the family.
Can you identify anybody?
Blog Update 10 April 2009: Peter has contacted us again. He has been in contact with Matt Stevens, and the following has been determined:
Blog Update 4 June 2009: Peter has contacted us again. The key to the photograph has been updated with 3 updates/additions on the Rudd side provided by Robert Rudd, and a couple corrections.No. 26 ("Mr Rudd, father of groom") is identified as Philip Rudd. Also that probably Nos 24 and 25 are reversed - 24 is Ada and 25 is Eliza.
Eliza confirms that the old lady in the foreground is certainly Eliza the Sydenham girl. The second from right is, according to Matt, Eleanor Footner née Bodle, the mother-in-law of Robert Rudd Jr.