This time the e-mail came from a new researcher, James Dalziel, who lives in Sydney Australia.
He wrote:
I am Myrtle Sarah Webb’s great-grandson, via her only daughter Rosa Jean Harper, and Rosa’s daughter Delphine Little, my mum. I’m happy to share any information I have with you that may be of use. In particular, I’ve just scanned all the old family photographs from Rosa (who died a few years back), and these include Myrtle, as well as David William Webb and Ada Pye, plus various other people who look like relatives, so you or some people you know may be interested in this, and able to decipher some of the unknown photos.
This family was extensively researched by Keri Webb, and more information is detailed on the webpage Uridge-Webb-Pye-Baxter Families.
I look forward to including more information and photographs, as offered by James. In the meantime I will put James in contact with Keri.